Turn your business into a powerhouse of ideas.

Build a creative culture.


We show you how.

Have you noticed how really successful businesses do things differently? They come up with new products or services; find new ways to deal with customers; develop unique efficient processes and employment structures. In short, they have great ideas – they are creative.

This has nothing to do with being artistic. It’s about thinking differently, approaching problems and challenges in new and innovative ways. It comes from a businesses having a creative culture.

We can help you develop that culture. Our trainers and coaches are creative psychologists ready to bring new thinking to you or your team.

SparkWorkshop is questioning, enlightening, challenging – and fun. Power your ability to generate ideas and innovative thinking in your business.

Build a creative culture with a 'Sparkworkshop'



SparkWorkshop is a coaching package for business owners or anybody wanting to stimulate creativity in a business or organisation. Delivered for small teams, or one-to-one, SparkWorkshop has two key objectives:

  • Introducing important concepts for business structures that encourage and develop creative thinking.
  • Providing a toolbox of proven techniques and approaches to creative problem solving and fresh-idea generation.

What makes SparkWorkshop special?

Every organisation is different, so every SparkWorkshop is different.  We structure them on a per-business basis. That means we build a programme just for you. You can bring your challenges or projects to the workshop. Every session is relevant to your business, and you will have practical takeaways – ready to put into practice straightaway.


Learn more about SparkWorks coaching.

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Ian West

Ian West’s first degree was in art and design. For many years he has held down senior creative positions in publishing, advertising and marketing. He went on to take a degree in psychology which he applied especially to his work in branding and brand communications. Creativity and innovation have been a main interest and a passion.

Ian is also a skilled coach, trainer and mentor and has both devised and implememted programmes for commercial organisations, public sector bodies and national government.