Marketing for more

Marketing for more

Please, Sir. May I have some more? As a consultant, when discussing a client’s objectives, and asking what they look to achieve, in most cases it boils down to ‘more’. This may be more sales, more leads, more margin, more clients, more visitors or...
Be prepared for AI surprises

Be prepared for AI surprises

How AI surprises caught me out.   I’m a big fan of AI, and use it in some form, most days. But recently I found myself in a situation where it resulted in my wasting a lot of time. A client had asked me to be involved in a recruitment exercise to interview for a...
Should Marketing be a regulated profession?

Should Marketing be a regulated profession?

‘Trust me, I’m a Doctor.’ But you never hear anybody saying, ‘Trust me, I’m a marketer!’   True, an incompetent marketer is unlikely to endanger somebody’s health – but they could put a client’s wealth at risk. One reason why professional standards in marketing...