Beating the Bot: How to Get Noticed When AI Takes Over

Beating the Bot: How to Get Noticed When AI Takes Over

I’m sure we’ve all been there,  crafting an important post that you’re sure will captivate your audience… but it gets lost in the endless scroll of AI-generated posts, a sea of content churning out faster than you can click.  I love AI, but content overload has...
Your marketing actions for 2025

Your marketing actions for 2025

Planning for the new year in a fast changing environment. How is your marketing looking? Over recent months, I’ve been talking with clients about 2025 (Yes, it’s almost upon us!). We’ve been considering what marketing actions will be top of our agenda. The marketing...
Marketing for more

Marketing for more

Please, Sir. May I have some more? As a consultant, when discussing a client’s objectives, and asking what they look to achieve, in most cases it boils down to ‘more’. This may be more sales, more leads, more margin, more clients, more visitors or...