- Because we need to challenge ‘The way things have always been done’. Memorable marketing concepts have always been disruptive. There is always a new and better way – if you don’t find it somebody else will.
- The world is more competitive than ever – safe solutions are no longer enough. It’s the difference that gets noticed. Market leaders such as Amazon, Google and Apple have made a habit of doing things differently.
- Dangerous ideas make us ask questions. How? Why? What? Questions draw people into the brand. They want to know more. ‘Same old’ solutions become wallpaper.
- They are disruptive and set us off in new directions. Ecommerce, streaming entertainment, space-travel and electric vehicles. If you go down one new road, it leads to another, and another, and another…
- Where brands are struggling for differentiation, dangerous ideas punch above their weight. It’s where one creative David can take on a host of unimaginative Goliaths. Sharp ideas can win over fat wallets.
- Great advertising has always taken risks – it pays to be brave.
Check out this great book by James Victore – Feck Perfuction ; Dangerous Ideas on the Business of Life
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