by IanCW | Sep 16, 2020 | Communications
Intrigue: (verb) to interest someone a lot, especially by being strange, unusual, or mysterious. Dripping out information is a smart way to keep visitors and readers holding on for more. Authors and screen-writers have mastered the art. Of course they could probably...
by IanCW | Sep 7, 2020 | Communications, Copywriting, Marketing
Don’t let your claims get caught in the ‘So what’ trap. The claims you make about your product or service are so important. Whether you are writing an ad, or a post, making presentations, video or creating an elevator pitch – there is one...
by IanCW | Mar 23, 2020 | Branding, Copywriting, Marketing
Of course quality is vital in terms of what you do and how you do it. But as a differentiator, as part of your brand proposition, it’s nowhere near as exciting as you think. I’ve been running workshops with a roomful of bright business people, and asked them to create...